Friday, December 20, 2013

4 Reasons Why the Duck Dynasty Brouhaha Matters

pjtatler via Instapundit


You Can’t Rage Quit the Culture Wars


"Rage quit" must mean unplugging your cable or turning off the TV.  In my case, I'd have to turn it  back on.

I stopped watching TV a long time ago.  I only watch sports, and that is getting less frequent too.  I notice that sports is getting polluted with the PC crap.  It is nothing but propaganda and you're paying for it.  I say make them pay to reach you.  Don't give them money to indoctrinate yourself with their propaganda.  Tune out.  You have no obligation to listen to their garbage.

You may have to go underground.  That may be good too.  Stop supporting a society that is destroying itself.  Don't send your kids into the military.  Refuse to support them with your blood or treasure.  You don't owe loyalty to these people.  If nearly 1/2 of the population tunes these people out, it may get their attention.

Rage quitting is actually a good idea.  Rage quitting is the same as a boycott.  You should separate from wrong doers.  Have nothing to do with them.

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