Sunday, December 15, 2013

State of the blog: 12/15/13

It is frustrating sometimes when I have ideas that seem to slip through cracks.  You see, I've been off of work the last couple weeks due to illness.  I've had a lot of time to read and to think.  So, now the ideas are coming, but the time is short.  Eventually, I must go back to work, and there will be a lot less time for the blog.

Did I use the time effectively?  I'd like to think so.  I got a few new insights that I plan to share today.  Just prior to writing this post, I planned a few posts for today.  That reminded me of the time when I had a Daily Plan for each day.  It turns out that I'm not a great planner.  One day at a time is enough.  Planning things just isn't my style.

The blog has grown over time.  It has gotten better during that time, I am certain.  Due to my consistent efforts at improving the blog, I think it has slowly improved.  Yet, it still hasn't made any big breakout yet, and maybe it never will.  The audience has slowly grown, and pulled back when I tried to shift to a new blog.  But it is growing again, but there's this sense of insecurity that it won't last and sometimes this feeling like I am on a treadmill.

So why continue?  It seems frustrating as mentioned, but frankly, it is about all I can do.  There's really nothing else.  No other possibilities.  I've gotten too old, I suspect.  Too old to start on something new.  I need to make the most of this somehow, yet the feeling is there that I may not be able to pull that off.  But I'll keep trying.  Someday, maybe it will happen.

So, there will be a fairly organized posting day today, if all goes according to plan.  Tomorrow, I plan to be back at work, so the posting will likely get light again.  I'll do my best to put up something every day.  We'll see what happens.


Left off some thoughts.  Like I said, it gets frustrating when a thought gets lost.  Here it is:

 Language---my style may be vulgar at times---always been that way.  Learned how to control it a bit over the years, but under strain, the vulgarity will reappear.  If that bothers you, then go somewhere else.  What you see is what you get, as Flip Wilson used to say.  I yam what I yam and that is all I yam, as Popeye would say.  Be careful with that crazy button, though.


Distractions, distractions.  I was going to polish up that last update when nature called.  Okay, what's the crazy button?  I came to the conclusion (recently) that people are irrational.  Let's say I accepted it in myself, as I had already suspected it in others.   All these years, I wanted to believe that I was a rational person.  Now I realize that we all have a crazy button, where we may turn downright capable of nasty shit.  Okay, so watch that crazy button.  Some folks have a hair trigger, others not so much.  But I think everybody has it, so watch it.

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