Sunday, December 15, 2013

On getting the full Alinsky

 I've probably related my experience with Barbara O'Brien over at the Mahablog already more than once.  Okay, at the risk of excessive repetition, here I go again.  Once upon a time, I got the brilliant idea that I may be able to dialogue a bit with someone on the other side.  It seemed to work okay until I mentioned that I was conservative.  That must have been her crazy button.  After that, I started getting the full Alinsky.  Rudeness and insults.  Finally, I got kicked off the blog commenting privileges just for having a mild ( in my opinion ) disagreement.

So, the full Alinsky is what anybody gets if they don't agree with those on the left.  You will be harangued and insulted and bullied until you conform.  That's what I mean by the full Alinsky.  Hey, I can see how that can be effective.  It worked on Patty Hearst.  It's the battered wife syndrome.  The Stockholm Syndrome.  After enough abuse, a person will break down and start agreeing with their captors.  She must have figured I was more trouble than I was worth, so she kicked me out.

In a larger sense, I think the full Alinsky is what the whole country is getting.  Particularly the political conservatives who get slandered and abused at every turn.  Some of them crack under the pressure, and that's how we end up with some conservatives that go bad when they "grow".

You know, this full Alinsky stuff works on the entire country.  It shifts the politics to the left, and it has been a great success.  You probably are witnessing the full Alinsky on a national scale when you see a movie like Oliver Stone's JFK.  That movie is textbook Alinsky applied on the national scale.  It insults the hell out of conservatism and accuses the right of assassination of the president.  The only problem there is that is a great big lie. Yet it works and works and works.  More than half the people in this country believe it was a conspiracy.  How many of those subconsciously believe that it was a right wing conspiracy?  Probably a good many of those probably think a right winger did it even though the right wing had little to gain from assassinating the president.

The full Alinsky has also been applied on a national level with respect to our history.  We are constantly hearing from our educators all about our sins.  This is a type of abuse, as far as I am concerned.  These poor kids are leaving school convinced that they are horrible human beings.  No wonder this country is so screwed up.

You see, if you don't agree with the left, you are EEEEEVVILLLL.   The left needs demonization of those they disagree with, even if they have to create imaginary demons.  Such as the imaginary right wing demons who were claimed to be responsible for JFK's death.

It probably explains why we can't do the big things anymore, like the Moon shot of the sixties.  Even if we have the technology to do it, the left won't let us succeed at it because that might make us feel proud, and they can't have any of that.

We can't solve "global warming" but we can sure get punished for being so wasteful of energy.  You see, the left is really good at punishing people.  They are so good at it.

We are becoming rather hostile to each other.  But that is the full Alinsky too.  Leftists need everybody to hate each other.  Divide and conquer, you see.

So, the right has managed to allow itself to get baited into doing some things that they shouldn't have done.

An example?  I think Bush canceled the X-33 because Clinton canceled the Super Collider in Texas.  Instead of getting two first class projects and accomplishments, we get nothing.  Besides that Obama canceled Constellation.  What happens in the next GOP presidency ( if there ever is one )?

It's probably not a good idea to return hatred with hatred.  The left accuses the right of hatred, but the right had better watch that crazy button and don't let them make you do something you'll regret later.  The the left wins with its hatred because they will have succeeded in making you hate them as much as they hate you ( as a conservative).

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