Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How to go from a winner to a loser in a very short time

Professional sports have interested me since I was a kid---as a spectator, that is.  Growing up, I guess we were all dreaming about being the big league ballplayer.  But those are rare.  Most folks, including me, just aren't very good.  But being a spectator does have its advantages.  You can separate yourself from it all and watch and become somewhat expert spectator.

I'd like to think I can evaluate sports teams, and tell if they really have the right stuff to win.  Now, take the Houston Texans.  They've suffered a precipitous drop this year.  From a 12-4 team all the way down to the bottom.  Yet, they just seem to get worse as the season drags on.

I think I saw it all coming long ago.  As late as 2010, I figured they'd have to fire Kubiak.  What decided me then is how they lost a game to Denver 3 years ago.  Teams that lose games that have no business losing are teams that are DOOMED.  That game was such a game.

Limbaugh likes to say that there are life's lessons that can be observed in sports.  What's the life lesson here?  You can go from the top to the bottom very quickly.  Secondly, you have to have the right leadership if you are going to get to the top and stay there.

If you project this observation out from sports to the national scene, maybe it just might scare some people into taking our problems a bit more seriously.  The failure to develop energy independence is a game that we had no business losing, just as the Texans 3 years ago.  For the last 40 years, we have had the capability to get off foreign oil.  We could have done that and it wouldn't have hurt us in the least.  In fact, we would have thrived.  Yet we didn't do it.  Now we have an economy that is dead in the water.

As with the Texans, could a major collapse be far behind?

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