Monday, February 5, 2024

Oil giant, developer George Mitchell dies at 94 ( repost from 2013 )

2/5/24: Update to last post of 10/4/13:

If anyone notes a touch of despair here, this update may give SOME insight. This Limits to Growth thing has been a type of demonic possession of the Western psyche for the last 50 years or so. It's demonic because it is false, absolutely so.

Something happened today that reminded yet again of this demonic presense that has poisoned the minds of the people of this country. As I've mentioned before, again and again, the molten salt reactor was invented over 50 years ago, and it could have supplied us with virtually unlimited energy. But it was never developed because the powers-that-be put their veto upon it. They turned nuclear energy into a bogeyman, and it withered on the vine. Before it was totally destroyed, some scientists ( and patriots ) found it. The Obama Administration, having failed in its attempt to destroy, gave it away to China instead.

The so-called Energy Crisis of the seventies was fake and totally unnecessary. That's for multiple reasons. People of the time thought so, but the corrective action wasn't taken. Instead of correcting, it has grown like a cancer and now has fully blossomed into a deadly cancer upon the body politic.

If you have unlimited energy, you have all you need for everything. Without it, you have nothing. That is precisely what is being foisted upon us now. You will have nothing and be happy. Didn't they just now start telling us that? People in this country has fallen hook, line, and sinker for it.

Climate science is fake, and part of the same phenomenon. Everything on the political left is based upon it.

Don't want to be a pessimist, but if you people persist in listening and servicing people who hate you, you are going to get your asses killed.

end update, the last update appears directly below: the date was 10/4/13 ( sheesh)


I'm doing a re-post of this news item from a few months back.  It coincides with the Limits to Growth paradigm and also the space program, in which I've posted frequently upon.

It would have been a good time back at the time of this post to mention Dennis Wingo's piece on Watts Up With That blog, in which he is quite critical of the Limits to Growth paradigm.  He summarizes his piece thusly:
There is a future out there, a glorious one, that while it may not solve all of our problems, it will certainly get us beyond these artificial limits to growth.
We are being held back by this Limits to Growth paradigm.  It is time to consider something new, like off world energy and resource development.


There doesn't have to be limits to growth.  Look at this web page to see why.  2/5/24 update: this page no longer exists.  This is probably not a coincidence.  The effort at censorship is relentless.

Not exactly news since the story was on July 26th.

There's a memorial service about this time as I write this.  It is being held in his hometown of Galveston.  I was in Galveston today.  If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have known.

Mitchell was quite important in these parts.  A few things I didn't know:

  • He was a pioneer of "fracking", which is helping the US reach energy independence
  • He was born in Galveston.  He helped revitalize the city.  He brought back Mardi Gras, a tradition that had faded after World War II
  • He sponsored Dennis Meadows' work, which is connected to the Club of Rome.  He contributed greatly to the concept of sustainable development.

Not that I was completely unfamiliar with the man.  I recognize his picture, of course.

The Club of Rome and Limits to Growth occurred at about the same time that the economic clout of the USA peaked.  A mere coincidence?

Certainly, Mitchell was a giant in his field and a very powerful man.  But the connections to Limits to Growth was not one of his better ideas.

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