Wednesday, February 7, 2024

AGW debunking, exponential functions v linear functions

This may not be the best post to illustrate the difference between the two types of functions. In order to get to the heart of the matter quickly, because people attention spans are so short, lets just say that linear functions increase slowly, whereas exponential functions increase much faster.

For those who are a bit more patient, here's a video describing the difference.

This applies to AGW because of the energy requirements in order to move mass is exponential. This cannot be obtained by capture of an energy source. At best, a capture is but a fraction of the energy that goes in, it cannot be an exponential of it. I hope this is simple enough of an explanation. That's because the AGW discussion is ridiculous on its face. But here we are after over 30 years of this AGW nonsense, it won't die.

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