Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Kobayashi Maru scenarios

12/6/24: Update to yesterday's post:

There's several new terms floating around out there. I'm behind the times, but I have quaint ideas about language. I believe in using the English language. But the language is evolving as we get deeper into the shit.

There's this new one I looked up called FAFO. I know what it means now. But there are others. The use of memes and so forth. Just use English, but then again, today's generation needs pretty pictures. In case you haven't noticed, I've been using a lot of those myself. Pretty pictures for empty headed fools.

The latest propaganda stream is to get all of you reassured that WE are winning. I have to call out bullshit again. It is more gaslighting. If we were really winning, the Senate wouldn't have screwed us with this stupid bill. The wolf just took a giant bite out of our asses, and we are bleeding profusely.

But the propaganda says we are winning. No. This is the latest bullshit to keep you quiet while they ram their dicks up your asses. Have fun!

That's all.

exit update, the original post follows directly below:

This will be something that the Trekkies will understand. The no-win scenario, aka Kobayashi Maru scenario presented in Star Trek II, "The Wrath of Khan". That's the movie. What about one of these in real life? Is our current situation a Kobayashi Maru scenario? Is there a way to win? Or all we screwed no matter which way we go?

The kinds of things that cross my mind, I tell ya. Of all things to be thinking about, that's what I'm thinking about today. You can outline the problem, but what are your proposed solutions?

The usual thing for the "gimme, gimme" crowd is to let them have their way. But letting them have their way is what got us into this mess. As Einstein once said, "the mind that created the problem cannot be the mind that solves it". I say giving in to the gimme, gimme crowd is what got us into this mess. Of course, the gimme gimme crowd will say something entirely self-serving, which is what they excel at. We stand close as ever to Doomsday, and Biden is in charge. If you hold him accountable, then he has to go. But the gimme gimme bunch will never concede their failures. Otherwise, they wouldn't be in the gimme, gimme tribe. But the gimme, gimme bunch wants to always be in charge no matter how bad things get. They'll never be held accountable---ever. It will always be rigged that way, whether you like it or not, you will have to live in that bed forever. But they'll say "democracy!". What kind of democracy is it when you have no choice?

A sensible country that has democratic institutions that actually work, will eventually tire of the gimme, gimme crowd. But the gimme gimme crowd is not about to allow that. When you start seeing things that way, then you'll know that their crying and moaning about democracy is just another one of their con-jobs. Falling for the con-job is what got us into this mess. If you cannot see that, then you are truly in a no-win scenario.

I say the GOP starts winning again when they start paying attention to the boys, and stop paying so much attention to the girls. The boys are at the tip of the spear in the culture war. The boys know it. But do THE REST OF US know it? Right now, the boys are taking it on the chin. That is because the girls have been favored. Now that we need our boys, we won't have them. That's because they have been emasculated. Somewhere in the past, the gimme gimme crowd convinced the culture that the boys were the problem. Now that we've got the boys marginalized, and we need them, we don't find them. The boys WANT to be girls now, because the girls are favored. Who's going to do the fighting now that we need them? No more boys. But the culture made that choice to marginalize the boys. Why should anybody be surprised that the men have disappeared?

The youth vote is vital for the gimme gimme crowd. The girls are organized. The boys aren't. Who's going to win this fight? It doesn't look too good when the Speaker of the House for the party that is supposedly the opposition to the gimme gimme bunch starts to blubber like a girl when things get tough.

And the women wail, but "where are the MEN"? You women voted for the gimme gimme bunch. Now you've got them. Maybe if you let them have their way again, you'll never get rid of them. The boys will be gone for good. THERE WILL BE NO MEN. Do you like that solution? Or would you like to try to bring the boys back, and make them into MEN again?

If you can't or won't address that problem, then it's Kobayashi Maru baby.

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