Wednesday, July 10, 2013

White House admits it did return Winston Churchill bust to Britain

The Telegraph (UK)

British officials were surprised by Mr Pfeiffer's statement and photograph, however, because the bust now resides in the residence of Sir Peter Westmacott, Britain's ambassador to the US. Further inquiries led to the discovery that there are, in fact, two matching Churchill busts

Churchill was the leader that refused to give in even when the odds appeared hopeless.  He went against the public opinion and it turned out that he was right.

The lesson about Churchill is that you must stick to your guns if you believe a thing to be true even if nobody else agrees with you.  Opinion may change in your favor when it is shown that you were right.

Could it be that Obama and the liberals really hate it when guys like Bush ( and Churchill ) are "stubborn" and won't give in to them?

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