Saturday, July 13, 2013

Staying in the saddle

If you note the header, this old cowboy wants to stay in his saddle.  So, when I start to get a little off center, I want to be aware of it, make adjustments, get back on track.

Lately, I got the feeling that something was wrong, so I am aware of it and hopefully making some adjustments to get back on track.  The thing that I was feeling was a great deal of anger about how things are going.  But getting angry is no good.  However, it has been said that the man who can't get angry is a fool, and the man who won't be angry is wise.  So, you have got to get mad sometimes, but that anger has to be contained and channeled in a constructive way.  If it is not, you fall out of your saddle and it will hurt.  And to paraphrase a joke, "I don't like pain, it hurts me". lol

There's a limited number of things you can do when a situation is way too big for you.  All I can do here is to point out that the country is moving in a very bad direction.  But if nobody seems to be bothered by this, what can I do about it?

So, I'll keep mentioning it here, but I am not going to bust myself to pieces worrying about it.  If nobody wants to do anything about the rest of our country and civilization falling out of its saddle, well there's just so much any one single person can do about that.

Evidently, the West and the USA is on the wrong track.  The polls say so, so it isn't just me saying it.  The polls have said it for a long time now.  Progress is not being made.  Perhaps nobody knows how to proceed.  I'll make suggestions, but I am not willing to destroy myself in the meantime.

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