Saturday, July 13, 2013

Soylent Green

This post is in reference to an earlier post, in which I mentioned that 1973 film.  The point is that I never saw the movie, so I went to Amazon and rented and watched it.

As for the movie itself, it seemed well-done to me.  Of course, it is bit dated now.  No special effects worth mentioning.  But it was 1973.  They had real actors and real scripts and everything.  Who'd a thunk things were so much better back then?

As for the plot, it is about a dystopian future that won't be anything like the future that is likely to see in 2022.  Not that the year 2022 can't be dystopian.  But we won't be eating each other in that way by then.  No, if we are to eat each other, it will be more out in the open.  Not the secret cannibalism of that movie.  It is an ironic point that in 1973, the assumption was that people will still be decent enough to keep something that hideous a secret.  The real dystopian future's people won't give a rat's real end what anyone thinks about hideous stuff like that.  Thus, anything really rotten won't be any secret, but right out there up front and center.  You know, like same-sex marriage and partial birth abortion.

The oceans won't die off by then.  Nope, ain't gonna happen that way.  The more likely thing is that we'll destroy ourselves before we can destroy the planet.

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