Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A pattern emerges

Consider the recent jobs report.  It is claimed to be good, but in truth, it is not keeping up with population growth.  Even with this anemic economic growth, Obama:

Refuses to approve the Keystone Pipeline
Runs farmers out of business
Run coal miners off their jobs, shuts down coal fired plants
Refuses to develop the molten-salt reactor
Allows China to have a monopoly on Rare Earths, which are necessary for high tech goods
Allows China to seize control of the value chain for high tech goods made with Rare Earths
Shuts down the manned space program
Will discourage at all times any new production of fossil fuels, which are "yesterday's energy"

These are the things I can think of for now.  I suspect that there are a lot more instances of a hostility toward the economic best interests of the people of this country.

Besides, he wouldn't defend Benghazi.  On the anniversary of 9/11, no less.  The hostility goes much further than that.

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