Thursday, July 11, 2013

Disparate thoughts on government and culure and what it could mean going forward

It's hard to come up with a title for this post.  Generally speaking, the post could be about ObamaCare, but then the trend is to generalize to the bigger picture.  The thoughts start off with a critique of a bad piece of legislation and then it becomes an all around complaint about our government and culture.

The reviews on ObamaCare just keep getting worse and worse.  It isn't just the stuff that you read about on the internet or what you may encounter on talk radio.  A couple of conversations I've had recently have pretty much corroborated that ObamaCare is bad legislation and should be repealed.  The conversations were with what you would consider to be Obama voters.  It is also confirms, at least in my mind, that the bill was passed in a deceptive fashion and harms one group of people in order to benefit another.  Specifically, older people have gotten the shaft here, just as was mentioned numerous times out there on the net, but denied by Democrats.  Medicare has been cut back, and the cut back has been significant.  The effects are undeniable.

You have to wonder why this wasn't a more significant factor in the election last fall.  Do people really fall for the propaganda and find out after the fact that they've been had?  But somehow that isn't enough to make a difference to get these bums out before they do any more damage.  The propaganda must be such that enough people get fooled and keep voting for this garbage and that's what enables it to continue.

The same pattern is continuing with the immigration bill.  Looks like the GOP is going to try to pass this bill even though the people out here don't want it.  If the people really knew what was really happening with this bill, they'd be even more opposed to it than they are now.  But the propaganda smooths that over and that's why it is deceptive and why it just might pass.  The people are going to find out the hard way that their government has done it to them again.  But this time, it will be too late to do anything about it.  The immigration bill is going to cement the Democrats into power for a long, long time.  That's the whole dog eat dog point.

You see, the attack is zero sum--- it comes at the expense of others.  Medicare affects the older generation which is more white, generally speaking.  It can kill off that population and then pass immigration in order to change the electorate to a more non-white one.  You have to wonder why the GOP doesn't see that, or if the GOP is now complicit in that.  Look at the Zimmerman trial.  A GOP governor pushed this trial, in which there's no evidence and is being pushed in the attempt to stoke racial animosity for political purposes that benefit the Democrat party.  You look at that and you wonder about the GOP and what is on their minds that they would allow this to happen.

We are being "Californicated".  California used to be a conservative state.  It is now hopelessly liberal and dysfunctional.  Nothing seems possible that can be done to fix it and it just keeps on getting worse over there.  Now it seems that what's happened in California is what's going to go nationwide.  It's the same pattern and you have to wonder why the GOP wasn't ready for it and couldn't find a way to deal with it before it became impossible to stop.  Then you look at Florida and see this trial and you have to wonder if the GOP has been complicit in this garbage all along.

It seems to be a losing battle to fight this.  It was engaged too late and was pushed under the radar and now it is all over us like a bad illness.  There were those who saw it coming, but somehow they never did get prominence and so it is now here because nothing was done about it when it could have mattered.

Here are the consequences.  The GOP is probably going to pass that bill.  The racial garbage like the Zimmerman trial is going to be used to keep pushing the culture towards the left's zero sum dog eat dog conception.  The leftward movement is going to accelerate.  As a consequence, real solutions for our problems won't see the light of day.  For example, you've got a solution like fracking today that is the only bright spot in our energy situation.  It is this kind of solution is going to be made impossible in future years due to these cultural and political changes.  Another example in the energy field is the molten-salt reactor.  You can bet your bippy that the left won't have anything to do with a new source of energy that has anything to do with radioactivity.  Now, you know the GOP hasn't been too much better on this either and it was Nixon that killed the molten-salt reactor.  But Nixon did it in favor of the fast breeder.  At least the GOP was going to do SOMETHING about the problem.  The left will only follow completely long shot approaches that will never work.  Oh, there's a possibility, but it is too long shot and it will never work and then we will have NOTHING.

Looking over all this it would seem that the GOP would at least try to make a stand.  Instead, they are going to cave in as they always do.  You have to wonder why they can't see nor respond to legislation whose prime motivation is to marginalize them and to permanently remove them from power and to place it in the hands of their opponents the Democrats.  Their failure is going to have far reaching ramifications for all of society and it isn't just about energy, it is the whole big picture.

As I wrote before, if we weren't so dependent on oil for all these years, we wouldn't have had the 9-11 event and we probably wouldn't have gotten into as many wars as we did.  We wouldn't have the NSA garbage and the other garbage that is destroying our freedoms.  It is a systemic thing and the GOP could do something about it, but they won't or they can't.

You have to wonder if it incompetence, corruption, or some combination of both.  Is it beyond all hope, or is there a way to change this?  For if there is not, the future may be quite bleak.  I'm hearing talk of Soylent Green and it is not from just one person and I found that remarkable.

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