Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rally on Wall Street today

Most likely the rally is the result of higher consumer confidence numbers.  However, I do not believe that this is quite the good news that it appears to be.  I have had the view for a long time now that our problem is in production, not consumption.

The mere fact that consumers feel more confident does not help much with production.  We need growth drivers that come primarily from production, not consumption.  Increasing consumption seems to mainly increase personal and public debt.  Something has to pay for this debt.  That something can be energy production.

Now we have a phenomenon known as fracking which is helping to increase energy production.  This is only a first step of many that are necessary.  It is not the final answer.

The final answer must be nuclear and there's a way to do this safely and economically.  That's what my focus is on this blog at the moment.

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