Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Certain things may need explanation ( or maybe not )

Here's another post about the blog.  If you not a bot and actually read this blog, you may notice the category labels.  Some of these may need some explanation, which I think I did once in the case of "politics schmolitics".  But what about the "PHD (Vain attempt to do a think piece)" thingy?

It's kind of a combination of things.  PHD is meant as a self-deprecating joke.  It is short for "piled higher and deeper".  It is a dig at over-intellectualizing, which may be a case for certain people, like myself for instance.  This may be obvious, I don't know.  The "vain" part is more or less in the same vein, hah, hah.  So, it looks like I'm making fun at myself for being too smart for my own good.  But the part that may not be obvious is that all the self-deprecation is not completely sincere.  I have been rather arrogant at times.  I have been so doggone sure of myself.  So, this is just a reminder to myself not to get too cocky.  That's because I've been wrong about things in the past and I'm only acknowledging my fallibility.

But you may have figured that out already and I'm just being vain to think that you didn't.

Basically, that's about it.

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