Sunday, May 26, 2013

Oikophobia is green, green is oikophobia

The title is provocative, in a sense.  In a sense, if the people are oikophobic, it won't matter.  But if the people aren't oikophobic, it does matter.  For if the people are oikophobic, they'd just as soon die.  But if they are not, then they can be persuaded to steer away from this green political philosophy.

Self-preservation is the key.  If you want to live, you will not be oikophobic nor green.

So, why is oikophobia equivalent to green?  Of course, the greens will deny this.  They will claim that green is to love the earth, and the earth is our home.  The earth can only support us if we take care of it.

Agreed, as far as I'm concerned.  We should take care of our home.  After all, it's the only one we have.  But there's another side to green.  That side argues that technological progress is part of our problem.  We must go back to a more primitive lifestyle because technology puts us at odds with the earth.

This viewpoint is rather extreme to me.  In my opinion, technological progress defines mankind.  Without it, we'd be exactly like the animals.  We'd eat food raw because we wouldn't have fire.  The mastery of fire makes technological progress possible.  Fire is nothing more than a mastery over energy which defines technological progress.  For example, you cannot run a computer without electricity.  Electricity is nothing more than a mastery of energy in the a different form than fire.  If we cannot master energy, we cannot master our environment.  Mastery over our environment is what makes us who we are as human beings.

Mastery of our environment makes us better stewards of the earth as opposed to worse.  An example is the terra preta soils.  They are created by fire, which makes the land more fertile.  Humans have learned this and have started fires in order to recreate the rich soils which enables them to grow crops.

We cannot go back to a more primitive lifestyle any more than the Indians who re-create terra preta soils in the Amazon.  To do so would mean death.

It is simply not possible to go back to a more primitive lifestyle without killing off 99 out of 100 people.  Chances are, you'd be one of the 99 if such an event occurred.  If the "deep ecologists" got their way, this is exactly what would happen.  How could this be anything but oikophobic?  If the people are of such a mind, we will all surely die.  For if we all deny who we are, we can no longer exist.  We must master our environment if we are to live.

The most advanced technology today is nuclear energy.  If nuclear energy isn't "green", then there's no such thing as green.  For the sun itself is run by nuclear energy.  The earth itself cannot support life without nuclear energy that creates the magnetic field.  Without a liquid core, which radioactive decay creates and maintains, the earth would lose its magnetic field and then its atmosphere and oceans.  The earth would become like Mars, a cold and dry planet mostly if not completely dead.  Life depends upon radioactivity.  The denial of this is to deny the truth.

We don't have to deny ourselves the benefits of our own ingenuity.  We can master nuclear energy in order to live, not to die.  The choice is ours.

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