Sunday, October 28, 2012

A couple of proverbs about the truth

In Spanish:
Sólo los niños y los locos dicen la verdad.
Only children and fools tell the truth.

In Arabic:
لا بد له من الذي يقول الحقيقة دائما قدم واحدة في الركاب.
He who tells the truth must always have one foot in the stirrup.

I think of these proverbs when I think of Barak Obama and I read something like this from Clarence Page.

These people are scary.  Things are getting scary in this country now.

Telling the truth was to be expected in this country--- at least I thought it was so.  Maybe I'm the fool.  But telling the truth now may actually be dangerous.  The loons are in charge.  But they think you are the loon.

Classic projection coming from somewhere--- is it me or Page?  Well, who's lying about the YouTube videos, Mr. Page?  Or do you really believe Obama is telling the truth?  Are you joking?  Sadly, I don't think he is.

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