Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What are you prepared to do? ( revisited)

There may be a temptation to emulate movies, like the Kevin Costner movie, The Untouchables.

Like a lot of things that have gotten into our culture, this one may be tainted too.  At least it is, according to a customer reviewer over at Amazon.  It was grossly inaccurate, according to that review.

I'm reminded of the Mordor post of Bill Whittle.  You should be suspicious of movies, especially those made by today's Hollywood.

Yet, I like to cite movies in order to make a point.  Mordor is a point too, made by a movie---The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

Here's another, but it isn't a movie.  It was a series---The Ascent of Man.  In particular, I'm citing Bronowski's Warning.

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