Saturday, November 3, 2012

Employment Situation 2012 vs 2008

December 2008 Household Data shows 143,338,000 Employed

November 2012 Household Data shows 143,384,000 Employed

Where's the jobs? After 4 years, there has been virtually net zero jobs. Where's the jobs we were promised?

But Joe Gandleman of The Moderate Voice finds fault with Giuliani, who said something against this jobs report---amongst other things.  So, what's so good about this jobs report and what's so bad about what Giuliani said?

What's so good about Obama's record?  Is it "partisan" to criticize the president?  That doesn't seem moderate to me.  Who's being partisan here?


With respect to this "moderate" business:  If memory serves, Chris Matthews claimed that he might have voted for John McCain in 2000.  McCain didn't win the nomination in 2000, so that claim couldn't be tested.

The point is, could Matthews have possibly been sincere about voting for McCain?  Especially in light of his tingly leg for Obama.  The thing I'm getting at here is that you can't take this claim for moderation seriously when it is coming from Democrats.  They will say anything.

I would bet that Joe Gandleman is a Democrat who is claiming to be a moderate like Chris Matthews was doing in 2000.  The claim is meant to deceive.  He ain't no moderate.

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