Friday, November 2, 2012

Thoughts on the passing scene

  1. What should Romney say about Benghazi?  There are those who say that he should say nothing.  I disagree.  He should say something.  Even if it is the most general thing imaginable, he should say it.  Saying nothing is not exactly my idea of expressing opposition.  If you are going to oppose, then oppose.  If you aren't going to oppose, then what good are you?  If now is not the time, then when?  If not us, then who?
  2. There some out there who note that liberals don't understand the non-liberal mind.  It doesn't surprise me.  In my opinion, liberals don't understand much of anything.  But they do understand one thing--- how to be a bully.  The only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him.  You don't give in to bullies.  That's all liberals are --- bullies.  They know they don't need to understand anything, so they don't.  If you don't stand up to them, they won't ever learn that they'd better understand the non-liberal mind.  All too often, it seems, the conservatives are letting themselves be intimidated by the left.  When is all this going to change?  Maybe never, because the conservatives just won't ever learn.  They'll just wring their hands and complain about being misunderstood.
  3. Reagan was able to express his opposition in a way that the left couldn't handle.  Since he left office, things have been going downhill.  This leads me to believe that not one conservative actually understands why Reagan was so effective.  That includes Rush Limbaugh, amongst many others.  Limbaugh talks all he wants about how he loves Reagan, but does he really understand what the hell he is talking about?  Reagan succeeded against the same liberal media and a gang of liberals on Capitol Hill, yet he did so without any of these guys.  These guys came later, but they haven't helped at all.  Instead things have gotten worse.  Disastrously worse.  Despite all of their presumed love for Reagan, how can they explain this?  How do you explain Obama, for goodness sake?
  4. Dick Morris said Romney was the next Reagan.  No.  Romney is the next Bill Clinton, if he wins.  Clinton was very good at lying.  Reagan didn't have to lie.  There's truth there for anyone willing to take notes and pay attention.  Personally, I don't think anyone is taking notes.  Otherwise, Obama isn't in the White House and we are in a world of excrement.

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