Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama Listens to Rich Liberals, at His Own Peril

Michael Barone

When given a chance to draw new boundaries of his state Senate district in 2002, Obama made sure to include Chicago's richest lakefront neighborhood. He's been working hard to court rich liberal contributors ever since.


Over and over again, I am beginning to notice a certain pattern.  Liberals say that they are for a certain thing, but the results are the exact opposite.  They say that they are for education, but nobody gets a good education.  They say that they are for affordable health care, but prices are going through the roof.  They say that they are for the interests of the people in general, but the people are hurting.  That is why Obama is such a failure.  He promises "hope and change", but delivers nothing of the sort.

Who is he working for?  The common man?  No, not hardly.


Here's a video illustrating an idea I saw on Barhardt's site. It shows a young James T. Kirk solving the Kobayashi Maru "no win" problem. The original reference came from movie The Wrath of Khan.

Barnhardt says:
It's high time someone with a Kirkian worldview and carriage hacked into the computer and re-wrote the damn program.
question:  How the hell do you do that?  You can see the problem.  People are unorganized and unable to respond to what is being done to them.  How do you change that?  We elected a guy who was a "community organizer", but whose community is he organizing?


I've considered what Barhardt has written and the link as well. Basically she is saying that we have a no win situation on our hands. I don't agree.

She is saying that the Republic dead. I don't agree.

But if Obama wins, we may as well be.

There has to be some accountability in our system. Otherwise, the politicians will ignore us. Rightly so. If you give them a free hand, this is what you should expect. To remove Obama is to restore at least some accountability. Obama would rather be president. Otherwise, why would he run? He and Romney may as well be clones, but they are not. They are different people. They are individuals. A different person in office would at least punish Obama. But it isn't a solution to what Romney may bring. For that, you will have to have a way to insure that he doesn't betray, as Obama did. One way is to make an example of Obama. That should encourage Romney to watch his ass. But that is no guarantee. For that guarantee, be prepared to go right back and do it again in four years. Or less if Romney gets too far out of hand. Just impeach the bastard.

Did Obama betray? Hell yes. Even to the left, he has betrayed. If they vote for him again, it will only confirm what I think of them. That they are totally faithless and treacherous. You can't believe a word they say.

As for Republicans. They are being put on notice by the Tea Party. Several have been removed. Others could be. Keep doing that and that will at least encourage them to not go astray. Republicans are willing to do that. Democrats are not. I think the Republicans are more trustworthy because they will at least boot anybody who goes off the reservation. Look what happened to Nixon. Clinton stayed. Nuff said.

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