Friday, June 15, 2012

What Republicans Think

David Brooks, New York Times


  • Democrats frequently ask me why the Republicans have become so extreme [comment: Funny.  It seems the other way around to me.  Why are the Democrats so extreme?]
  • In America as in Europe, Republicans argue, the welfare state is failing to provide either security or dynamism. [ comment: Is that statement an example of an extremist point of view?]
  • This is the source of Republican extremism: the conviction that the governing model is obsolete. It needs replacing.[comment:  Again-  what is extreme about changing things?  Obama ran on change, why can't Republicans change things?  What we gotten from Obama is more of the same thing.  It wasn't change.  And it is not working.]
  • Republicans and Democrats have different perceptions about how much change is needed.[ comment:  Again- Obama ran on change.  If the Democrats really wanted change, why are they opposing the Republicans?]
More projection.  Democrats are blaming others for what is actually their own fault.  They have had enough time.  Their policies aren't working.  The article cites that the economy grew better in the Bush years, yet the slow down is Bush's fault, or so they claim.

1 comment:

Greg said...

After reading the comments in response to Brooks article ( in the New York Times) I am convinced that these people really are delusional.

The defeat of the recall of Scott Walker has no effect on them whatever. They are convinced that Europe is fine.

One even suggested that the welfare state model is the only one that works-- but evidence shows otherwise.

What else can lead to a guy getting emotional in Wisconsin after the recall failed? Their world is falling apart and they don't understand why.