Monday, June 11, 2012

Unspecifying the unspecifiable, or basically a bunch of nonsense

Warning:  Don't read this.  You are just wasting your time.  But if you insist...

Something's on my mind and I just have to mention it.  It is this popularity thing.  You see, that's what I'd love to have, but can't get it.  I've gone around and around in circles on that.  I've even written something to the effect of "the heck with it".  But it always keeps coming back.  It bugs me.  It really does.  So I think about it and write about it.

Einstein said that insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  So, let's not try to be crazy here.  If something isn't working, time to do something different.  Or a new version of the same thing?  Let's see, some blogs can drive that traffic.  So what are they doing that I'm not?  Or is it just a matter of talent?  If you've got it, you've got it.  If you don't, you don't.  Maybe saying "the heck with it" is the other half of doing the same thing- just don't expect any different result.  If you know that it isn't ever going to be popular, but keep doing it anyway.  That wouldn't be crazy because it doesn't fulfill the requirement of expecting a different result.

Here's a thought-- "if it bleeds, it leads".  You see, this blog isn't about bleeding and leading.  It has been an effort to find solutions for problems.  Now if popularity requires the part where it has to bleed before it leads, then we just won't get to the popularity thing.  Still, it is hard to accept that people seem to be hardwired to respond in just that way.  You can't fight reality.  That's also what this blog has been about.  Accepting reality as it is, not how we wish it was.

Another phenomenon is the savior thing.  If you offer something promises to be a savior for all problems, why people will flock to it.  Now, I think we can solve our problems.  But these are specific problems and sometimes the answer to a problem is really pretty simple.  It's like the old joke on the TV show Hee Haw.  Somebody complains about a pain when he does a certain thing, and the doctor says "don't do that".  It's pretty simple to put in words, but maybe not simple to implement.  Somehow, the offer to be a savior to be all the solutions for all problems bugs me as well.  Expecting a different result when I can't do those things to be popular is like going to the doctor and saying it hurts when I do this-- and the doctor says "don't do that".  Easier said than done.

So, my blog's message could be too boring.  It doesn't bleed and it says problems can be solved and the answer could quite simple.  But that is so, so boring.

Another thought-- I remember a nifty little phrase--- "it works better if you plug it in."   Yeah, but it is too simple.  There has got to be a more exciting way of fixing a problem.  Maybe like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.  People need that curtain for the feeling of belief that you really need a Wizard.  And the Wizard is just some guy behind the curtain.  He's just a guy.

I told you.  Nothing to see here, now move along.

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