Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Obama’s Most Clueless Moment Yet?



Obama really did say, at some length, that the private sector is prospering and we need to spend more money on government...Galbraith’s book was epically wrong-headed, but the idea that the private sector is rich and the public sector is underfunded lives on as one of the pillars of liberal ideology...To them, the private sector is always “doing fine;” if anything, in their hostile eyes, too well.


Also, they blame the private sector for what has gone wrong with the economy.  I think that it is pure projection.  They are what's wrong with the economy.  They caused this.

Right after 9/11, there were calls for bigger government.  That was deemed necessary to deal with the threat.  But it was the government that had failed.  It seems that every time the government fails, it becomes an excuse for an even bigger government.  You could even say that government has an incentive to fail.

Why is there any incentive for the government to become efficient and effective?  If they solve a real problem, they are no longer needed.  Instead, they have the incentive to raise hell with the society and use that as an excuse for demanding that they get more responsibility to "solve" the problems and hence more funding through higher taxes and spending.

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