Sunday, April 29, 2012

Obama Goes Nixonian

Kevin McCullough Townhall  h/t Free Republic

For instance, in the Friday edition of the Wall Street Journal, writer Kim Strassel details--with painful precision--a campaign that is underway by the Obama campaign to identify and publicly intimidate high-dollar donors to the Romney campaign. Strassel points out that once Obama's subversives identify you, they then seek to publicly "shame you for 'betting against America'." Strassel also points out that Obama controls the Justice Department, the Securities Exchange Commission, and the Internal Revenue Service which combined can indict, fine, and audit you into oblivion.


You'd think the country is having a collective "brain freeze", and simply do not understand, or can't understand for some reason.

Perhaps the country has been prepared for this in some way.  Earlier today, I read Ann Barnhardt's latest, in which she said that the communists infiltrated the Catholic Church.  Well, that's not the only place they infiltrated.   This is part of an overall plan, described by Gramsci, who advocated that a communist revolution could be effected by a long march thorough the institutions.

The Catholic Church is but one institution.  The media is another.  The educational establishment is yet another.  And so on and so forth.

So all this talk about Obama just seems to fall like water off a duck.  So what gives?  Have too many people been fully indoctrinated now, and it is too late to turn things around?

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