Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Romney on OBL: 'Even Jimmy Carter would have given that order'


Also, since we haven't had much on this page on this topic over the past few days, it's worth noting that George W. Bush's first ad of the 2004 campaign featured footage of a stretcher getting carried out of ground zero with remains, as well as the charred shell of the World Trade Center.


Interesting comment to that story, which I will also quote:
Romney said GET PERMISSION FROM PAKISTAN FIRST, and IT IS NOT WORTH THE MONEY TO KILL JUST ONE MAN when he was asked about getting Bin Laden in 2008, ...

The thing here that is getting overlooked is that relations with Pakistan have suffered because of this.  Maybe Romney has a point about getting permission first.  The risk is that someone in Pakistan would given OBL warning and he would have gotten away.  But that would be the risk you would take.   It isn't necessarily a slam dunk to kill bin Laden.  I've felt that way all along.  Now, it is getting used as political ammo as the Navy Seals have charged.

The first quote was in relation to Bush's use of 911 imagery.  But the difference is that 911 happened on American soil.  The killing of OBL was an international event.  Therefore, it has international repercussions.

As for what Romney said about Carter, yes, that is probably correct.  Carter was quite dovish, but he did order the hostage rescue attempt, which ended in ignominious failure.


Here's what I wrote on the subject last year, titled  "On spiking the football".  Curious that Politco would be justifying Obama's use Bush's tactics for his own when Bush lost so much of his popularity towards the end of his presidency.  If he wants to run against Bush, why act like him?

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