Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Did Obama just punk Romney?

That's the notion that this post gives from hotair.

But as I first argued back in 2004, national political campaigns are only loosely about ‘issues’ as news obsessives construe them. Contemporary American campaigns are much more meta-battles over power, masculinity and dominance, what I once called “bitch-slap politics.” Not pretty perhaps but you’ll never understand campaigns without understanding things through this prism. And that’s very much what’s happening with the Obama campaign’s latest fusillade against Mitt Romney. This isn’t simply – maybe not even mainly — about the actual decision to risk so much to kill bin Laden. It’s a dance to – let’s not run away from what it really is – unman Romney in his contest with the president.

Back in 2008, I recall Obama saying that he wouldn't be punked.  What does that mean?  I looked it up by googling it and came up with this:
Originally the word "punked" meant that you've been bent over by big hairy men and brutally gang raped in the anus. By this definition, a punk is therefore one who receives. It is old prison slang (at least 50 years old) if not more, however it has come to take on different meanings in popular culture though most of them are rooted in the original defenition.

Punk rock became big in the late 1970's and the term for this new genre was "punk" - they took it to mean rejected, unwanted, or outcasts from society. In prison, punks were usually ostracized by other inmates except as sources of sexual gratification so this is probably where their vision of the term came from. As the punk movement in the 70's was also sexually ambiguous it could have come as a way of breaking down gender roles and accepting homosexuality. As far as a their having a past participle verb form of the word I am unaware of such.

In rap culture or ghetto slang, the term came to mean one who was a b***h or willing to yield when the pressure was put on. This definition undeniably comes from the prison definition, however, the sexual undertones were somewhat removed in their sense of the word. Thus if you were "punked" by someone from this culture it would mean you were forced to yield by someone who was stronger than you.

Since the advent of Ashton Kutcher's TV show "Punk'd" the term "punked" has probably come to mean simply tricked or bamboozled however this is by no means the original definition of the word and people from previous generations essentially know it's true origin. 

Michelle Malkin is right.  This is not a nice man.  Romney had  better watch it.  This is like a cannon shot over the bow, or worse.  The shot may have hit and he could be taking on water.

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