Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Story Of: The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre 1 (of 6)

This is a movie documentary which consists of six parts.

I was actually looking for a particular scene in the movie, but I couldn't find it. In that scene, the old man, played by John Huston's father, Walter Huston, reacted to the loss of his treasure with a sense of humor. The movie had some pearls of wisdom like that during its length. That's what made it such a compelling story. Yet, for all the wisdom, it wasn't a box office success.

Wisdom may not be popular, but it is necessary.

Although I didn't find what I was looking for in the series, it is worth watching if you have the time.

Interesting that I would like the story despite the fact that the author was anti capitalist. I think those people lose the real significance of anything worth knowing.

The book was even darker than the movie. People at the time didn't like the darkness. I don't know what that means, but there it is.

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