Monday, September 19, 2011

Has Obama just thrown a monkeywrench into the recently negotiated budget deal?

Obama defends new taxes: ‘This is not class warfare, it’s math’ - The Hill's On The Money

President Obama defended his proposals to raise taxes on the wealthy Monday and promised to veto any deficit-reduction plan from Congress that cuts entitlement programs but doesn’t raise taxes on the wealthy.  [emphasis added, Comment:  But that agreement had a trigger provision that kicked in if an agreement can't be reached in the new Supercommittee.  If an agreement is not reached, entitlements will be cut, along with defense spending.  Is he saying that he will veto that?  If he does, he will violate the agreement he has just made with the Republicans.] 
This President has a history of breaking promises.  That will be quite a spectacle if he violates an agreement that he just made after all the time it took in order to reach it.

Ed Morrissey: Obama’s already starting to isolate himself on economic policy.  He is starting to look like a lonely man.
Also: He issued this warning in a sad attempt to impress a few people on the Left.

If that's true, then he's not only incompetent, but immature.  This is kid's stuff.

Update II:

Question: Why does Obama need $1.5 Trillion in tax hikes to pay for a $450 Billion "jobs" bill?

Answer!  Gentlemen o' fortune be needin' them doubloons for their mateys and to keelhaul scallywags, arr.

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