Friday, September 23, 2011

LENR, is it plausible? III

I hope that it isn't. Because if it is plausible, then we may have a problem. I'd rather not explain that, it is much more preferable for this to be cold fusion. Cold fusion would be the type of energy solution that everyone wishes for.  Clean and safe.  A happy ending. Hopefully, we will all live happily ever after.

If this seems like snark, I assure you that it isn't.

If I am right, Widom Larsen isn't plausible at all. But, there is a high probability that I am wrong. At any rate, you can't get energy from Widom Larsen by using nickel. That is not plausible.

Therefore, it doesn't make sense for Rossi to use Vanadium. I don't think that is happening. I should not have written that.

Not that Vanadium wouldn't work for LENR. If Widom Larsen is correct, then it might work for Vanadium. I don't think that I would be happy to hear if it did work, though.

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