Friday, October 19, 2018

Don Surber: Goodbye Twitter and Facebook

Don Surber: Goodbye Twitter and Facebook: I have had it with the managers of Twitter and Facebook. They can do what they want with my accounts. After what they did to Life Site News,...


This post of Surber's is consistent with what I have been saying about corporations.

The GOP is supposed to be against the little guy, but look who is really for the little guy--- Trump.

The Democrats LOVE corporations.   Look how they are moving the culture in the way they want.  Yet, somehow the popular perception is that the GOP is in bed with corporations and the fat cats.

The fat cats are against Trump.  The fat cats are against the little guy.  So why does the little guy line up with these scumbags?  Because they let a few breadcrumbs fall off their tables?

This may all sound leftist to some, but the Framers of the US Constitution limited the government for a reason.  They limited how much the Federal government could do for a reason.  You cannot trust people with too much power.

When Romney said that corporations are people, he showed that he lacked the proper understanding of how our government was organized.  The Constitution was written to protect the individual against the overpowering influence of the state.  Any such government that protects the rights of individuals can remain free.  Otherwise, freedom evolves into tyranny.

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