Friday, October 19, 2018

Not Crazy, but Evil

by Trevor Grant Thomas

Thomas is an author and a mathematics teacher.  He has written opinion pieces for the American Thinker.

Whose Slave Are You? (Romans 6): We’re Not Battling “Craziness.” We're Battling Evi...: Ever since the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, the American left has been—as my mother likes to put it—in “rare ...


When one side calls the other evil,  what is the response?  Typically, it is the liberals who call conservatives evil, but the conservatives do not respond in kind.

Perhaps that should change.  Hillary Clinton said she doesn't feel obligated to be civil until she wins.  If you hold back because you want to be civil, doesn't that put you at a disadvantage?

Human beings are moral creatures.  This is true no matter what your religion is.   We are obligated to choose between good and evil.  If not, then there is no such thing as good or evil.

I'd prefer civility, but incivility must be responded to.   It is not evil to call evil by its true name.

Stop being Mr. Nice Guy when the other side does not reply in kind.

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