Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wolfe's guilty plea

You really have to wonder why anybody would vote Democrat when you study what this guy did.

He wasn't charged for leaking the FISA application to a reporter-ette that he slept with.  No, he was only charged with making false statements.  The false statements charge is only a slap on the wrist, and it protects a lot of very guilty people.

That is why you can sometimes get a bit discouraged.  At least the victory for justice occurred, even if it is only a fraction of what should have happened. 

The thing that could encourage a person is that if the truth wasn't being blockaded continually by the media, the people would make better choices when they vote.

Democrats should suffer this time around, but they are still talking like they could win.  No way that they should win.  A terrible defeat it would be if they did win.  The public has to make decisions based upon incomplete information.  Imagine how things would be if the full truth got out.

They are holding up things like the FISA application because it "compromises sources and methods".  But that is not what they are protecting.  The Wolfe plea shows what and who they are protecting.  If we had an honest media, they would be screaming bloody murder.

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