Wednesday, December 16, 2015

obligatory, 12.16.15; debate and whatnot

Did not watch.  Checked in with Dick Morris, who said that Rubio lost.   Read an article off of Red State that claim Cruz was too tough on Rubio.  He says that Cruz has a problem.  He does not like Trump.   Sounds to me like the conservatives have a problem.   You have to play ball by the Establishment rules, or they stay home if their boy does not win.

Thus, the GOP has a problem.  No matter who gets nominated, somebody is going to be unhappy about it.  Christie might become the new darling of the Establishment wing, but he won't be well received by conservatives, I suspect.

Bush got bad reviews from Morris.  Is it fair to say to stick a fork in him?

Trump and Cruz.  One of them has to unite the party.

Other than politics, the computer problem is solve, but I am using the tablet anyway.  Slowsme down a lot.  Hunt and peck typing is slow.

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