Saturday, December 19, 2015

Why Trump is Leading

via TransTerrestrial Musings.

The link links to another article that thoroughly analyzes the race thus far.

Basically, you have three candidates now.  Trump, Cruz, and Rubio.  The analysis favors Rubio, Cruz, and Trump in that order.

You can kid yourself in a number of ways.  What puzzles me is why so many on the GOP side decided to dislike a guy who has a number of proposals that would actually work to solve problems, while nobody else seems to have come up with anything comparable.

Perhaps you could count Cruz's gold position as something comparable.  Maybe.  Winston Churchill tried to take the UK back to the gold standard, but it didn't work out.

Basically, you go for Rubio based upon his perceived ability to defeat Hillary.  Cruz maybe not so much.  Trump not at all, based upon this analysis.

This assumes that Trump even gets the nomination.

What do I think?

Not smart enough to know for sure.  I think Trump wins the whole shooting match.

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