Monday, December 14, 2015

Obligatory, 12.14.15; Up and about

It's 3:00 am, and I'm not asleep.  It may seem like I am bothered by something these days, but there's really nothing going on.

If there's anything unusual, then it is the switchover in my work.  Going from delivery to Uber may seem to be an insignificant thing, but the work is quite different in some ways.  One thing that is different is the hours, and that is why I am making the change.  I feel that being on the job all day presents some problems for me.  With Uber, I can pace myself a little differently, and I think that should be helpful.

But it's only an idea.  The idea is now being tested.  If it works, then I'll be doing that for a living for now on.  If not, I may have a problem.

But it is going well enough that I don't think there's going to be a problem.  So, no worries.  Not yet, at least.

But why write about this?  One thing about writing is that you don't get immediate feedback like you do with a conversation.  You can see by a person's reaction how you are being perceived.  However, with writing like this, the only perception I can get is from the audience numbers.  Thus, what I write may give off quite a different impression that I intended.   That's why I mention this.  Who knows what people may think of me based upon a few things that I write.

Perhaps this is not the best form of self-expression.  The social media may be better.  I have tried that though.  It doesn't really satisfy me.  Well, maybe nothing really can.

People perceive you in any number of ways.  There's probably not a whole lot you can do about it.  Even if you are conversing with them, they may be very good at hiding what they really think or feel.

All I can do is be as straight as possible with people.  I am really amazed that this is probably not appreciated.  It may be even resented, for all I know.  The human race is a strange beast.

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