Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Molten-salt reactors are an alternative

The word hasn't gotten out, or the anti-nuclear lobby has removed this from her list of options.  She defends the fossil fuel industry, which is a good thing, but she longs for an alternative:

Developing alternative and clean energy are great goals and ones I wholeheartedly support. But raising the cost of living and lowering living standards for all of us, including the world’s poor, is not the answer. Stop jumping the gun on fossil fuels and focus on developing alternatives. ---Julia Morriss

Molten-salt reactors are laboratory proven and have been for forty years.  But we can't have them because of antiquated and misguided nuclear regulatory policies.  This should be the focus, the reform of the regulatory agencies, not the development of a non-sequitur such as solar and wind energy.  Neither the intermittent quality of wind and solar can power a modern high energy society.

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