Saturday, September 20, 2014

God hates Socialists, and the feeling is mutual

Now there's a provocative title.  No?  There's no controversy there?  No point of contention?

These days, there'd be people who would want to stifle that thought because they can't have any truth getting out there.  You say that this title and this post isn't true?

Let's start with the proposition of God.  The proposition of God is inherently unequal.  Aren't socialists all about equality?  How can there be a Supreme Being in the Universe?  That's so unfair.  God has all this power and we don't.  That's just not right, would say the Socialists.  It is not in keeping with their ideal of equality at all.

Oh?  And you can say that a good Socialist can still be religious and believe in God?  Assuming that is even possible, let's move on the the second plank of my argument.  The second plank is the term "Capitalism".  You can't be a good Capitalist and a good Socialist at the same time, can you?  These have to be mutually exclusive terms.  That should go without saying, but these days...  Never mind.  Let me continue.  After my recent post about the confusion between wealth and money, I decided to check out the definition of Capital.  Capital, by the way, has as its root the Latin term "Capita" which means "head".  The head is not equal to the body, now is it?  No, wherever the head goes, the body follows.  Capital means leadership.  Leadership implies a lack of equality, wouldn't you say?  Even Socialists must have leaders.

If you check out the full meaning of the term Capital, you don't get the sense that it means equality.  If anybody tells you that your body is equal with your head, then you know that they've got some rocks in theirs.

Now for a practical example of what Capital means.  Germany lost World War II.  It's infrastructure was ruined.  Most of the buildings in that country were demolished.  Yet in a few short years, Germany was able to rebuild itself.  Why?  I remember reading how it was their "Human Capital" that allowed them to do this.  The value was in the people, not in the buildings.  After all, the people built the buildings, they could just as easily rebuild them when necessary.  World War II did not destroy the German people, and so the people could start over and rebuild their country.  And so they did.  This wasn't equality that allowed this, mind you.  Capital means head, which implies leadership, which also implies inequality.

Another example is China.  Once they abandoned their communism, they began to prosper.  A third example is the good 'ol USA.  Once we abandoned Capitalism, we started going backward.  We were told God is Dead, and that there were Limits to Growth.  We reached our peak in 1968.  It's been downhill since.

We eliminated prayer in schools, we legalized abortion, and now we have "gay-marriage".  The Democrats at their convention in 2012 booed when God was mentioned.  Yet, despite all the "progress", there is a feeling that something is wrong.  Still, the trends show that the young favor Socialism over Capitalism, despite all the evidence that points to the contrary.  There's your future for you.

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