Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fitting things together

How does the discussion about religion go with the discussion about solving problems?

Good question even if I did pose it myself.  Something tells me though that the audience may be puzzled by these turn of events.

Perhaps I am still influenced a bit by Oral Roberts.  Roberts liked to talk about living life more abundantly.  There's nothing wrong with abundance, I'm all for it.  But abundance should not be confused with money.  You can have abundance, but still not have much money.  I think that is possible.  It may even be a solution.  That is to say, to have so much abundance will obviate the need for money.  It also removes the temptation that the love of money brings.

Abundance can solve many human problems.  Perhaps not all of them, but many.

Now think about the role of money.  The role of money is the medium of exchange.  Exchange takes place in a world of scarcity.  That's basic Economics 101---goods are scarce.  They have to be rationed.  You can ration goods arbitrarily, or you could do it with a price system in a market place.  Money is the means by which goods can exchanged efficiently though the price system.

Take away scarcity and what need is there for money?  It's living the Oral Roberts way--- living life more abundantly.

You may scoff, but it has a ring of truth to it.  Think about it.

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