Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Religious differences

An important part of American culture is religious freedom.  How did that come about?  My history on that subject may be a bit hazy, but I think it had a lot to do with the religious wars in Europe.  People came here to worship as they pleased.

Things seem to change over time.  Now, instead of a country full of Christians who were here because they wanted to have religious freedom, we now have a whole bunch of other religions, such as Islam, that compete for "mind-share".  Or no religion at all, as atheists.  And so on and so on.

Frankly, going over the history of the schism of the Church in Europe way back when, I think the differences appear petty and insignificant.  Yet, people were willing to kill and to be killed over these.  The differences wth Islam and Communism are far greater.  I don't understand the former as well as I think I understand the later.

My interest is in the country as it is, and I'd prefer that it not get swept up into a religious conflict that plagued Europe all those years.  The one except that I would make is for Islam.  I think it should be banned as a religion.  It has no place here, or should not have a place here---nor in Europe.  However, Europe may be jodido already on that account.

Roman Catholicism didn't save Europe this time, nor in Roman antiquity.  Protestantism won't save it either, nor us.  This may be shocking to say, but Jesus may not return to save us either.  Jesus didn't return to save the Romans.  You are going to have to suck it up and do it yourself.

I don't believe that a ton of prayers and prayers alone is going to make a damned bit of difference in any outcome.  On the other hand, it might.  You might say it all depends upon something, and that something may have nothing to do with church doctrines.

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