Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Is Doing Something Better Than Doing Nothing?

Spudis Lunar Resources

The space program is trapped in an irretrievable death spiral, where foolish ideas are pitched and adopted, then discarded as their public relations value declines once the concept is critically scrutinized. With each of these episodes, our nation and national space program lag further behind and lose more credibility. Instead of designing a technically credible space program that extends our reach into space, we are regaled with an endless parade of proposals for silly stunts. In regard to human spaceflight, we sometimes hear that “doing something” is better than “doing nothing.” Doing nothing might be a better option when the “something” being proposed is patently absurd. A static program might alert the public to what has been happening to our national space program.

It isn't just the space program that is in a death spiral.  The space program is a proxy for the rest of the society which is in a death spiral.  If the public isn't already alert, that should be a clue to what the problem actually is.  You have to know that there's a problem before you can even begin addressing it.

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