Saturday, August 23, 2014


Discovery time

I find clay in my soil sample taken from the property back in July.  It didn't separate out as expected, which was the case for the sample taken in June from another spot.  That sample in June was not clay, but sand.  I knew it was sand when I gathered the sample.  Clay would have behaved differently than what that sample did when I shoveled it from the soil on into the plastic jug.  So, I am pretty sure I got sand with that first sample.  Besides, on the water filtration experiment, I used samples from the first trip.  On that sample, the water DID drain.  On the second sample, the water DID NOT drain.  Thus, the conclusion is that the second sample is indeed mostly clay.


It wasn't just the clay that was preventing a draining of the water.  The paper filter seems to clog easily.  Nevertheless, my conclusion that it was clay still holds for the way that the soil felt when I had it in my hands.  It felt like clay, not sand.

I'll change the last piece back to cotton so that it can drain properly tomorrow when I resume experiments.

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