Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Are Republicans Smart Enough To Become The Party Of The Millennials?


Minorities and millennials were the core of President Obama’s 2008 and 2012 election victories, and, according to conventional political wisdom, will continue to be the twin anchors of the Democratic Party for the foreseeable future...Regardless why millennials want to be independent, that desire could make them unusually receptive to a political message that emphasizes the importance of encouraging entrepreneurial freedom.---Mark Tapscott

Reading through the article, I note that I share a few things in common with the millennials even though I'm not one.  Too many people are using categories and labels of groups of people when there's just people.  Sure Black folks vote for Democrats, but if you are smart enough, you may able to convince more of them that their future should lie in with a different approach.  Becoming wards of the state should never be the goal of anyone no matter what their color.

I suggest getting your own farm.  If the GOP can bring back Homesteading, they may make inroads into these two groups, regardless of the label being attached to them.

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