Monday, August 11, 2014

No war in Iraq

It may have seemed in an earlier post that I favor war in Iraq.  That would be incorrect.

A bit of history about Iraq and our involvement there, as I recall it:

Bush asked for and received an authorization of force before he committed troops to the Iraq War.  Several Democrats, including NY Senator Hillary Clinton, voted for it.  As for myself, I was always very suspicious of moves like this.  As it turned out, my suspicions were correct.

All through the war while Bush was in office, the media, which is controlled by the left, kept hounding about his mistake of going into Iraq.  I think Bush made a mistake all right.   His biggest mistake was to not seek a much broader coalition willing to commit themselves to the war.  The war vote depended on too few members who were willing to do that.  Consequently, it was a bit too easy for them to back out later.  That's the mistake.

We are paying for that mistake in two ways.  One was the reaction to the Iraq War that the left ginned up.  This gave us Barack Hussein Obama as president, and all that means, which is the second way we are paying.

So, should we go back into Iraq?  I'd say no, especially with this president.  If there is to be a war, any war, anywhere, it needs broad support first.  There should be only a few dissenters, or the show should be off.  Otherwise, you run the risk of the spectacle of it becoming a partisan issue.  War is serious business that should not be left up to the whims of politicians.

In the long run, we should seriously consider amending the constitution so that the president doesn't have so much power.  We are running a significant risk of a dictatorship because there's no accountability in this society.  That is a very dangerous combination and explains a lot of what is going today in my opinion.

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