Monday, June 16, 2014

Are both parties conspiring to do a bloodless coup de etat?

Now that we are back to square one, or worse, with respect to world wide terrorism, it may be useful to ask what the hell have the politicians been doing for the past almost 13 years?

Anyone with much sense should have known what the Democrats were going to do when they got their chance, and so they have.  For the record, they would undo whatever Bush did, and that's what they've done.

The result of that is getting things back to square one.  But how is that useful in the fight against terrorism?  Are we supposed to believe that 9-11 never happened at all?  Or, are we to believe the far left conspiracy buffs who claimed that Bush "let it happen"?

Maybe Bush did "let it happen"!  Under this theory, not only did he let it happen, but he did stuff that was guaranteed not to hold up over time.  If Bush was this bad, he should have gone to jail.  But Obama is just as bad, or worse, because he doing the very things that make us more vulnerable to another attack.  In other words, to believe Obama is good is to believe that Bush let it happen, and is therefore, evil.  If you really believe that, Bush is an arch criminal and should be locked up.  So, why aren't you guys doing that?  You won't do that because you don't really believe it yourselves.  Or, you just don't care.  Actually, I think that it's the latter because the power means more than anything else.  So, Bush letting it happen is not useful to you anymore towards that end.  That's the real reason you won't prosecute.  It would also mean that you don't care if something like 9-11 happens again.  The Democrats almost seem jealous that this didn't happen under their watch, even while they were blaming Bush for "letting it happen" under his watch.  The lust for power precludes all other considerations, like actually caring about what happens to the country.

The next terror event may be all that's needed to suspend the Constitution altogether.  Both parties may agree to this in a show of unity.  This freedom and liberty stuff was just too impractical after all.  A stronger, more powerful government is what we need, they will say.  Unfortunately for freedom-lovers, your freedom's days just may be numbered.  What they have done has just about guaranteed it.

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