Sunday, June 15, 2014

Can Man Intervene in Predestined Events? -

Can Man Intervene in Predestined Events? -


Ringer describes how his nephew died in a car crash.  The discussion then turns to morality.  Now, my understanding of good and evil is this:  good and evil involve the choice of an individual.  If no choice can be made, then there can be no evil.  In the example given, there can be no evil if there was no human choice being made--- the event appeared random.  Assuming that this determination is the correct one, why the discussion of morality?  Nobody is at fault and there's no one to blame.  Yet the blame isn't being directed at the individuals, but at morality and God.  For if God doesn't intervene in such situations, how can God be good?

The reason I mention this is that the discussion seems haywire.  For example, a hypothetical:  if a wild animal attacks and kills a person, which is not that uncommon, has an evil thing occurred?  The animal has no morality, for it is an animal.  If there was a choice being made, it was the individual's choice to be where he was at the time.  But do you blame the man for the act of an animal?  I dunno.  But, how does God figure into this?

Here's a big example:  Let's say a huge asteroid is discovered to be approaching Earth and there's nothing that can be done to stop it.  The asteroid will kill everybody.  Is this evil?  If God allows it, is God good?

If there's any morality, it had to come from the people on Earth.  If God allowed it, could it mean that people aren't good and God didn't intervene to save the people?  A person's death does not imply that person was innocent, even if that person didn't cause the event at all.

Also, if people could do something to help themselves, like building rockets that could divert such an asteroid, then whose fault is it when this isn't done?

The closest thing to pure evil, in my opinion, is to kill an innocent person when you know that person is indeed innocent.  This has happened and if you read closely enough, you know what I'm referring to.

Good and evil come from people.  My two cents.


Question: If you are atheist, is there such a thing as good and evil?  If there is, why is evil so?  In other words, if we are no better than the beasts, then why does anything unpleasant that can happen matter one way or another?  An example:  if we are no better than animals, then an asteroid that destroys mankind would be no different than the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs, right?

If there is no such thing as evil, then why is it wrong to murder someone?

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