Thursday, June 19, 2014

This scene could not make it into a movie today

The feminists would veto it.  It is very disparaging of women.  A little more after the video clip.

Now, I looked for the scene I wanted, but this wasn't the one.  No, the scene I wanted goes with what I wrote earlier about perfection being the enemy of the good.

That scene was toward the end when Melvin ( Jack Nicholson ) goes to see Carol ( Helen Hunt ) and tell her that he loves her.  Except that he really can't.  Carol's mother is listening in to the conversation and interrupts Carol as she laments this and exclaims that she can't have a "normal boyfriend".  Carol's mom says, there's no such thing.

That struck me as the kind of down to earth sensibility that you just don't see these days.  She was saying in a scene what I am trying to get across in prose.  Which works better?   Who the f**k knows?  Something has to cut through the noise.

We can't have perfection on this earth.  It does not exist.  But everybody insists upon it and scream and moan that they can't have it.

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