Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The "lost" emails

There are conflicting stories, of course.  One story had it that you cannot "lose" an email.  It is on a server somewhere.  Then you hear that the servers were cleared from time to time.  So, which is true?

This morning, I read that there is a law requiring that all emails have backup hard copies.  Now the Dems are saying that the sequester prevented them from doing that.

You can be suspicious, but you still have to produce the proof.  Unfortunately, I don't think they'll be able to do this.   The Democrats may have a plausible excuse for all of this.  But Ace doesn't think so.

It's being compared to the 18 1/2 minute gap in the Watergate tapes during the Nixon years.  Without any of those other tapes, Nixon gets away with that.  This could be history repeating itself.

The other alternative is to go all out political.  That's what they did.  That's what the GOP should do.  Doing nothing but wringing your hands is just not good enough.

There's a report that Obama is daring the GOP to impeach him.  On that subject, I was against impeachment.  Now, I am for it on the grounds of principle.  Even though it won't work, the Democrats will rally around Obama and so forth.  Obama is doing this deliberately.  He may even want an open break between the parties and the divisions in the country.  That's so he can exploit it for himself.  Everything that he does has a political angle to it.

If you are going to beat Obama, you have to beat him politically.  If your impeachment is about preserving the Constitution, then how does Obama win by violating it?  How does the politics of that favor him?

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