Thursday, May 1, 2014

Charlie Chaplin

This is actually a great speech, but I won't embed it.  Why?  It is the feeling I get based upon the comments made upon it there.  There are those who will interpret this speech as a Marxist speech.  However, I do not think so.  It is the type of speech that a Marxist will use to fool the people.  Fooling the people is precisely what they do so well.  Hence, I don't put it up because I disagree with it, I don't put it up because there are those who would twist it to serve their own ends.  This is precisely what Chaplin was arguing against.  Yet, people will not see the trickery and be lured into following those who are not what they pretend to be, and who would cynically use the sentiments so finely expressed in this speech.

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