Wednesday, April 30, 2014

7 Insects You'll Be Eating in the Future

Free Republic

Oh, joy.  Can't wait for that happy day so that I can do my part in helping save the planet.  /snark

Seriously, though, I have considered another side to this--- eating insects on long space voyages may be a practical solution.  It may help reduce the amount of food needed to be taken along for the voyage.  Weight is the big enemy in space, so if you can produce enough of these critters to eat all during the voyage, you may be able to save considerable weight.

By the way, I've clicked through several links, and I can't find what insects that they are talking about.

Another thought--- could it be that the Bundys ( and those like them ) are being driven off the land in order to force us to eat insects instead of cattle?  I read that the tortoises are not harmed by the cattle.  To the contrary, they thrive with the presence of cattle and suffer in their absence.

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