Sunday, April 27, 2014

Whose fault?

There are those on the right who blame our current political problem on the "low information voters".

There may be some merit in that.  However, one has to start with an assumption that not necessarily true.  The assumption is that blogs and radio talk shows have very much to do with what is going on in this country.  I'm beginning to think that the BIG MONEY runs this show.  If you think that arguments presented here and elsewhere have anything to do with what's really happening, then you are probably very greatly mistaken.

Take immigration reform, as an example.  Nobody in the grassroots wants it.  Even the Latinos don't want it.  Why would they want millions of new competitors in a weak job market?  I've seen some evidence that this is true.  There is no popular demand for this.  So, where is it coming from:  BIG MONEY interests.  They want so-called immigration reform.

Mind you, they don't want it for serving the public interest.  They want it for serving their own interest.

It seems incongruous that the GOP would do something like this which seems to contradictory to their own interests.  But if the BIG MONEY wants it, the GOP jumps.  If the GOP had any sense, they would ditch the BIG MONEY influence and go independent of it.  But that isn't likely.  Therefore, the BIG MONEY will get their way as they always do.

So, the blame going toward the "low information voters" is a cop-out.  If the BIG TIME talk radio jockeys and the BIG TIME bloggers and such had so much influence in this, they would cancel out the BIG MONEY influence.  But the BIG MONEY influence may actually own the BIG TIME talk radio jockeys and BIG TIME bloggers.  In other words, BIG MONEY owns everything.

But it doesn't own this blog.  It doesn't own me.

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